National Parks Event

On Wednesday, October 14th 2020, the Road to 30 virtual tour journeyed to America’s national parks. The event focused on the impacts of climate change on our national parks and how parks can serve as hubs of conservation, connecting larger landscapes. The event featured New Mexico Senator Tom Udall, National Park Service Principal Climate Change Scientist and University of California at Berkeley Associate Adjunct Professor Dr. Patrick Gonzalez, and Matt Kirby, National Parks Conservation Association’s Director of Energy and Landscape Conservation.

We discussed the importance of protecting 30% of America by 2030 as well the role that national parks can play along the road to that goal.

Watch the Road to 30 National Parks Event


Read the blog summary

In conjunction with this event, we also released an interactive storymap addressing how national parks are the heart of conservation networks around the country.

Photograph by: Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management (Header)